Alleged 3D Artist & Animator
PFP: @Kekiiro

Age 26

Joined on 2/20/21

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Krasis's News

Posted by Krasis - January 1st, 2025

So I managed to survive another year here's some of the highlights:iu_1328234_8673433.webp

I got a some decent pieces in between dealing with getting my life together and all that jazz. Got my first original solo piece Frontpaged

So here's the important stuff.

Neon Crusaders:

Animation if coming along okay, I posted the trailer for it a few days ago and I hope to have it done and out there by June of this year at the latest. The big dumb thing is looking to be like 9 minutes long when it's finished. Who knew dialogue made things longer. I know perfectionism sucks but I need this thing to look good!

Underworld Utopia AKA My big dumb tcg project:

So I've been also working on an indie tcg since the start of last year, and I've shown off some card art last Halloween. It's a "competitive" game taking some inspo from MTG and Inscryption game play wise.

I've been doing research into the Indie homebrew tcg scene and feel like I can crack it. I'd say one I finish Crackdown, I can go full force into making this thing ready for crowdfunding. I crunched the numbers and if I want to bring on other artists, I'd need fuckin money, a lot of it. Either that or I make art for all 90 something cards in the base set that I have so far. That's a problem for future me tho, for right now, it's been fun to hammer out mechanics and card layouts, and it would be cool to just have a physical thing that I made. Maybe I could be one of those guys who has a booth at local cons and junk. I met a guy like that a few years back and played his game and it inspired me a bit.

Anyway shout out to the Tolar Games team for giving me a paying gig and the opportunity to contribute to their horror game project. Check them out here https://bsky.app/profile/tolargames.bsky.social

Here's hoping that that 2025 is a good you for all of us, even you the person reading this!

Happy New Year



Posted by Krasis - September 2nd, 2024

Hey all:

So, how was your summer? I was sick for a couple weeks and worked for all of them. I took part in a Clown Zine & started some paying work doing character modeling for an indie horror game so that's awesome. I also got to play stupid card games in the big city and am now the proud owner a really pretty The One Ring. Now for the important stuff, project updates!:

Neon Crusaders: Crackdown

Progress has been made. I've got all the voice lines I need from all the talented people I've been working with and now I just need to to locking in (as the kids say) and animate this thing. I unfortunately missed my original goal of have this all done by the end of the summer, but I kinda knew I wasn't gonna hit that anyway so cest la vie.iu_1263783_8673433.webpiu_1262948_8673433.webp

Have some more screenshots. I swear to god I'll have this thing done by the third anniversary of the first one. I swear to god I fucking hate time.

My TCG project:

So my other project I've been gestating, this TCG I'm designing partially out of spite. I ended up making 95 cards for the alpha set and have finally been getting around to play testing it. It needs a lot of work but I'll probaly get around to that and a lot of after I finish Crackdown.It has been fun coming up with a bunch of schizophrenic lore for the world that it takes place in tho. I'll probably need to do like a Kickstarter or something to fund this nonsense which is it's own can of worms so expect that some Time. iu_1262949_8673433.webp

(Pictured: The TTS setup I have for testing, It's rough but figuring out how to build it was fun).

Anyway, thank you for reading this nonsense and it really is humbling that some people care about and enjoy the stuff I put out there when I'm not being a radio silent hermit with the social skills of a stick insect.


Have a good one!


Posted by Krasis - March 19th, 2024


I'd like to thank God & Tom Fulp,

Honestly tho, I'm still cooking some stuff, will hopefully have it finally done by this Summeriu_1177475_8673433.webpiu_1177476_8673433.webp


Posted by Krasis - January 3rd, 2024

So it's been a hot minute.

I'm a little late because of work and being kinda sick but here's what I've been up to. I've been going back and forth between some smaller stuff and the big dumb original project. I'll admit I've not been in a great place mentally for most of the year. I've got this fear that I'm running out of time to do something big and make a name for myself, even thought I kinda know that's kinda dumb. Like , did you know Gene Roddenberry was like 40 when he made Star Trek? Wacky.

On a positive note tho, I got to travel to Toronto last summer. It was an amazing time, I haven't left my home province since I was like 4 years old. I got to meet a lot of cool people like @crashtroid, @pollyanoid, @brandybuizel @ninjamuffin99, @droid, @Gachakoi, the big guy Tom Fulp himself, and many, many more. You guys rule! It was an experience that definitely showed me that I really need to get out more and that I want to travel more in the future. I kinda regret not taking more pictures with people, I'm too fuckin camera shy lol. At least I have this photo of an alien I saw in the park bathroom.iu_1140196_8673433.webp

My recap of my favorite arts from this year


  • A screen shot of my work for the upcoming El Dorado Re-animate
  • One of my old D&D Characters, Rohan
  • November Rain from the new JJBA part, Jojolands.
  • A ribute to the edgy music I listened to as a teenager and also last week
  • My favourite character from one of my favourite games, Rando from Lisa: The Painful
  • My old reliable ENA, was proud to have this used on the Summerfest earlier last year
  • Tangy Mustard as the monster from Iron Lung, an idea that just kinda just came to me during Halloween
  • My most recent piece , Cyl from Picayune Dreams. I can't finish the no damage run, I'm not strong enough

And in the center of it all is the monster responsible for all this, myself.

Now as for what I'm what I'm gonna be doing this year.

  1. Neon Crusaders: Crackdown

Yeah, the big dumb project I started is actually moving forward slowly but surely. I've got more or less all the assets and script done, all just a matter of animating everything and getting a few things from other people. I'll admit I've second thought this thing a lot which is part of the reason it's going so slowly. Recently got hit with some the reality of just how viable indie animation is and it's made me realize that I'm a very ambitious dumbass lol. I've made my bed and gonna sleep in that motherfucker.

2. ORC

I recently decided to revive a little RPG Maker project I abandoned awhile back. It was honestly pretty close to completion so I can probably finish this thing off soon™. I thought it would be neat to have this little collection of art and animation that people could play, even if it is just a fancy version of babby's first RPG Maker game. It's a real game, it was monsters in it

3.TCG / CCG project.

So, I've been a big Magic the Gathering player for like the past decade, and recently peaked my head into the Homebrew TCG community, which has been really fascinating. This was partly motivated by my hatred of Wizards of the Coast, who I've hated before it was cool and the desire to turn some setting and character concepts I've had into a opportunity to make a cool little game that people can play. I'll focus on maybe just getting the skeleton of the mechanics done so I can play it with friends on tabletop sim, and when I get some key art done to get the jist of the setting across I'll talk about it more. It has a name, but I'm hesitant to share it yet.

In closing, I'm thankful for all your support and I can only hope that I can give you good shit in 2024

It's like 6 in the morning and I've been awake all night so please forgive my rambling. So long nerds!!



Posted by Krasis - December 29th, 2022


Another year in the can, so how have I been?

I'll admit I may not have gotten everything I wanted to get done this year, like how I learned that live streaming wasn't viable from my current location. But I've learned a valuable lesson this year, that social media followings and analytics don't matter if you aren't making stuff that makes you feel fulfilled. (And also if that website is actually on fire and slowly dying. You know which one I'm talking about).

So my plan for this year is to just focus on bigger projects and not worry about chasing trends or having a steady output to maybe appease an algorithm. I'm gonna take my time and making bigger stuff. That's why I'm gonna set a Patreon at the start of next year if people want to toss me some change to help me make weird shit (and also help me get my shit together a little bit), so look out for that.

Anyway, I still love this community and thank you for your continued support! With some luck and and some blood, 2023 is going to be a good year!



Posted by Krasis - November 14th, 2022

Another milestone, another rambling update!

So for the last like, the better part of a year, I've been pretty unfocused. I've had some life stuff keeping me preoccupied so it's mostly been some smaller pieces and collab work lately. A friend put it best when he told me something along the lines of "I'm so focused on just grinding that I lose sight of end goal". I'm just so focused on "Make Thing. Release Thing. Move Onto Next Thing" but I just didn't have a long term thing properly planned out if that makes sense.

Neon Crusaders: Crackdown

I've been wanting to do more original stuff after the positive reception of the first Neon Crusaders thing last year, so I've slowly written a proper script and I'm gonna knuckle down and get the ball rolling on it. I've worried that I'm just too inexperienced for something as ambitious as this. I'll admit I got kind of intimidated when I calculated how much it would cost for just the voice acting, but this is something I want to do so I'll do it, If I wait till I think I'm good enough then I'll never make it. Which leads me into my next subject:


Yeah, I've sorta mulled over the idea of starting a Patreon page for awhile. I've had a Ko-Fi for awhile and haven't gotten anything out of it, which is why I've been kinda nervous to try Patreon. Having a Patreon with tangible rewards would probably be the best route. Stuff like WiPs, early access, special thanks. Simple, inexpensive stuff like that. It certainly couldn't hurt, might help get my shit together and act as a motivator of sorts lol. I'll have to look into it and talk to some people before I launch anything.

Anyway, that's sort of where I am. I still might end up getting sidetrack with pieces I get the impulse to do but c'est la vie. Crackdown is gonna be the big long term focus for now. It's far to late at night where I am right now. Thank you for reading all this crap

TL:DR. Gonna work more on Neon Crusaders stuff. Might start Patreon to help facilitate that. I am very tired



Posted by Krasis - June 11th, 2022

It's that time of year again folks! I had to scale back from a full animation like the one I did last year, but I'm still really happy with my pieces for this year. It really helped me get out of the funk I've been in for like the last few months.

There's a lot of great stuff on the site today so go & find some good stuff!



Posted by Krasis - January 25th, 2022

Hey, thanks to everyone who's supported me so far! It's been wild to get this far in under a year.

I've had other projects and some life stuff to take care of so I don't have a flashy piece for the occasion, but I hope to get some stuff rolling soon.

Also check out the Winterfest this weekend, it's gonna be pretty epic as the kids say


Posted by Krasis - December 29th, 2021

iu_509775_8673433.webpSo it's been quite the year. For a lot of 2019 and 2020, I struggled to really gain traction online, I felt like the stuff I was making was just never gonna go anywhere. But this year has been great! After I started posting to the site back in February ,I've gotten in touch with so many talented people and have grown so much as a result.

I was becoming so jaded to YouTube and Twitter's algorithms (still kinda am), but this place showed me that there's still places online, run by people for people who want to create what they want to create. Who knew that the site where my sister showed me Perfect Kirby over a decade ago would end up being so important to me. Too the nearly 200 hundred people following me, and everyone who liked and/or just gave any kind of feedback to my stuff, thank you so much!!

One big thing I did this year was finally make an animation of my OCs, The Neon Crusaders. I've had those characters rattling around In my head for so long, getting to bring them to life with the help Corey, Stanpai, and Lilspook was great. Admittedly it's rough around the edges, and my project management skills need some work (I had no idea on how to properly voice direct, sorry guys), but I'm still so happy that people enjoyed it and want to see more. I have a plan for where to go next, I just gotta plan it out and take my time to make sure it comes out as good as it can be. Don't wanna end up trying to do nearly all the animation in a single week in order to meet a deadline, only to end up staying up till 7am, filled with Monster Energy(TM) and feeling like death.

Another thing I want to try next year is game developing. I've had some interest in it for awhile, dabbled with Unity and RPG Maker a bit, but seeing the indie game scene on this site has really inspired me to make something and really explore video games as a way to tell a story and express an idea. I know I talked about the RPG Maker project I was working, ORC, on my last post, but I've sorta been second guessing it. The workflow and general difficulties with creating a game made with pre-rendered 3D in that engine has been a pain, plus there's just been things about it I'm not sure about anymore, so I might just shelve it for now and focus on a much more simple project that doesn't bend the engine I use as much.

I'm also planning to try and stream again for the first time since like 2019 or something. I guess whatever projects I put out next year, I'm just happy that there are people who'll care. Thanks for making it through my wall of text and here's a great 2022!




Posted by Krasis - November 1st, 2021

So yesterday I did a thread on Twitter talking about the major stuff I have in the works https://twitter.com/Krasis_Arts/status/1454857468497076226. Thought I might as well do the same for the people following me on here.

The gist is that I have two main projects in the works:

The Neon Crusaders


A short original animation. I was gonna enter it in the last round of the Summer Jam, but bit off more than I could chew in the given time and missed the deadline. Plan now is to finish it by the end of the year.



A funny little RPG Maker game I've been working on. Put it on the back burner for the summer, but I'll definitely be putting my back into it going into the New Year.

Thanks for the support, and I hope you enjoy what I put out.

